The Tesla Life #232 - CyberTruck Test Track
Calibration equip continues to arrive at Giga TX
Autobidder to be deployed at a Queensland AUS site
Tesla APP gets ICEiNG combat system
Tesla could deliver 1.5M in 2022 with start of Giga Berlin and Texas
Sandy Munro on Plaid Tour in Eastern US and Quebec and Ontario. Before January tear down
New York City could be ordering $12.38M worth of Model3’s
Tesla releases 9 months worth of data on Model3 with UK Police
Tesla stops selling Roadster Founder Series
CyberTruck caught on the test track at Fremont, side mirrors, super wiper blade
CyberTruck video link
GTA Tesla owners organized a Food drive for the Durham Food Bank this past weekend
- twitter pic
Your Tesla can now detect tire tread wear
Elon gets a 2021 Person if the Year designation from both Time Magazine and the Financial Times
Don’t Mess with Tesla belt buckle and color plates for wall chargers go on sale at Tesla Store
Doge Coin to be added as payment for some small items sold in Tesla store